Thank You

I wish to thank all that commented on the “Beloved Susan” post. The comments were greatly appreciated. I knew that Susan reached a lot of people through the blog, but I had no idea how far reaching it was.

I apologize for not posting earlier, but please forgive me. It is still difficult for me to sit down and put my thoughts into to the post. I find it almost impossible to type through the tears. But, life on the bayou goes on.

Susan was a beautiful person, and her faith was reflected in everything she did. She always had a ready smile and kind word for all. I don’t know if you are familiar with the song “What faith Can Do” by a group called Kutless. They have a video of the song on You Tube. I don’t know how to put a link to it. But it is a beautiful song, and shows just what can be accomplished by one’s faith.

Our daughter Stacie put together a collage (I pray that I’m calling it by the right term) of pictures with Susan in them. (if I learn how to embed pictures in the post, I’ll post a picture of it.) Also with the photos there is a poem that Stacie placed in the middle. Stacie did a beautiful job on it. I’d like to share the poem with you.

God Took Her To His Loving Home

God saw her getting tired, a cure was not to be.
He wrapped her in his loving arms and whispered ‘Come with me.’
She suffered much in silence, her spirit did not bend.
She faced her pain with courage, until the very end.
She tried so hard to stay with us, but her fight was not in vain.
God took her to his loving home, and freed her from her pain.

Susan touched so many individuals in her life. She touched me thirty six years ago, and I thank the Good Lord that she did. She still touches me today. She is, and will be always, in my heart.


14 responses to “Thank You

  1. Got to share this. The following Saturday after the service I wasjunking in a newstore. I looked up and saw a plaque that said THIS TOO SHALL PASS. I had to go outside for a brief moment and ended up leaving. I went back this last Saturday andbought it. Its on my shelf ay work.I will ALWAYS think of Susan s smile

  2. Thank you for sharing this song Ernie. I posted it on my blog as a memory to Susan. God Bless you!

  3. Ernie – I write to make sure that you understand that we appreciate your thoughtfulness in posting. I have been amazed at how close the friendships one has on the internet can become. But too often, when an individual is not able to continue their blog, there is just silence. You have given us great respect, and a lovely gift, by posting – like Ronda above, it gives me a moment to reflect on a lady I came to enjoy and respect very much, to think about the husband she loved, and the unruly cats who share life with the both of them… and I can smile at a lovely memory. Thank you, and take care. Kathleen

  4. Thank you Ernie for having the courage to post to Susan’s blog. Just miss her so much. Big hugs to the family Retta Kyser Ft. Walton Beach, FL

  5. That song by Kutless is one of my absolute favorites and I play it whenever I need a boost. They came to our church in December 2012 and played that song during their set. It was amazing. I only knew Susan through her blog but it was easy to tell how strong she was in her faith and what an amazing person she was. She was a good and faithful servant and God must have thought her work here was done so he called her home. And home she is and she is now free of pain and watching over all of you. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. Thank you Ernie for sharing the poem and your feelings. Have strength. God bless you and your family.

  7. Ernie and family, I’ve tried and tried to think of something to say to you all since your last post……words won’t come. I enjoyed Susan’s postings and marveled at how much she managed to do while going through cancer treatments. She exuded a positive outlook and I found that amazing. I’m so very sorry for your loss. There’s one thing that gave me a bit of hope years ago……it’s this: “Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather holes in heaven, where the souls of our lost ones, look down upon us to let us know that they are happy”. With those words we picked a star to remind us of our loved one, it was just as you turn the corner to go up the stairs to our bedroom, still I give it a nod, a small hello…..a I remember. I wish for all of you whatever helps to ease the pain in your hearts of Susan’s physical presence with you.
    Becky Cochran

  8. If Susan hadn’t shared her illness on the blog, I would have never known. She was always so upbeat and loved to share her crafts and life in your community.

    She was a lovely person, and will be missed by the strangers who looked forward to a post to the blog.

    Marilyn S SE TX Sent from my Cricket smartphone


  9. Earnie, The love and affection that we all felt for Susan now extends to you and your family. You are in our thoughts and prayers — all of us out in blogland that knew Susan through the words that she wrote. Thank you for reaching out to us and sharing. We will all miss Susan in various ways. We hope that you will continue to reach out to us from time to time and let us know how you are. May God be with you through these difficult times.

  10. I too want to thank you for posting. How I’ve missed reading Susan’s blog. To see it come to my mail box again is a blessing. Please do send her blog out, at least once in a while. Maybe it will be of some small comfort to you? Blessed are those who grieve and I pray you are blessed.

  11. I never met Susan. I was a member of the FRENZ yahoo group and read her blog. She loved the Lord, her cats, quilting and her family so much. It was inspiring and uplifting to read her blog. I hope the happy memories of her bring you comfort.

  12. Hello, I will tell you what someone said to me that has given me great comfort after the passing of my dear mother and that is. that when it is you time to go her face will be the first one you see….That thought still comforts me after many years. you are in my prayers.

  13. Dear Ernie,
    You are in our hearts and prayers as we grieve our loss together. Thank you for posting to her blog. I for one would love to see you pick up her baton and carry it forward, so we know how you, your kids and grandkids, the kitties, the random flock of wandering chickens, the garden and Burkette’s Volunteer Fire Brigade are doing.

    Love you,
    Aunt Deb